God's People with God's Truth Can Counter Man's Trouble (WIDE)

• The spiritual battle: truth and deception in the church

God's way and God's truth has always been attacked by spiritual forces in rebellion against God, played out in the realities we experience

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This video tells the story that emerges from Old Testament times, through the presence of Jesus as told in the gospels, to the Spirit of Jesus guiding the church in the letters. There's a 'headline' passage from the Psalms which sets the scene and points to where this is going. The full Bible readings — to compare with the shortened excerpts used in the storytelling — are here with links to Bible Gateway where you can read them in the version of your preference (NIV is used in the video).

Psalm 145:1-5, 17-21


Haggai 2:1-9 — God's word speaks encouragement to the former exiles


Luke 20:27-38 — Sadducees take issue with Jesus about the afterlife


2 Thessalonians 2:1-5, 13-17 — How to guard against wrong teaching


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where you will find the video, an audio podcast version and content to read.

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and a 'tall' version better for viewing on your 'phone


The home site with all the links, background Bible study and previous weeks and years is at


The Living Word podcast with Ian & Alison Greig
The Living Word podcast with Ian & Alison Greig
Ian Greig